Counting Stars


Hai! This is izz's territory. Thanks for visiting here. Have a nice day people ;)

Reminder muehehe~~

  • I hate liars
  • Universal listener to some extend
  • The only daughter of da family

    “You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth.”

    Some memories never fade

  • AGM and Le Siblings.
    Thursday, May 28, 2015 | 0 Comments

    Assalamualaikum and hello you guys. It was really tough for me for the past few weeks. There were lots of thing happened. I somehow survived during the hard times though I was sick, hurt physically and exhausted mentally.

    Throughout these thorny part I feel blessed to have such a supportive family, loyal friends and of course le bear and hanif.
    Kami busy sangat minggu 11-14 sebab banyak event, esaimen, field trip, presentation yada yadaa. Pre graduation night was held on the 12th week lecture while the Annual grand meeting which is my programme (I am the Master) was held on the 13th week lecture.

    Saya design sendiri haha maaf ajk PDI pengarah  program cerewet XP

    During those times, the bond between me n le girlfriends were tighter. Terima kasih banyak dekat shera azmi as ketua ajk makanan, shira tukang masak 2 saya. Hahaha masak sendiri gituewww untuk student (hepa taknak bagi duit makan pftttt). Tempah makanan untuk VIP saja. Massive thanks to my rumate nad sbb jadi tukang masak 1. Chef of the day gitu.  :)

    From left : nadia(tpp), asiah, fara, dila n shira *antara kesayangan saya*

    Big thanks to fellow juniors, mirza, ejat, kak fairuz and yg lelain yg bertungkus lumus. Dan tak lupa juga Farahin as my hausmate, besfren dan mantan tydp Perssap. Tanpa awak, saya tak dapat peluang ni.

    Kebetulan dewan konvensyen kosong so dgn persetujuan penasihat AGM diadakan di sini. Rasa macam grand ah sikit kah kah dan katanya ni adalah AGM terbaik yang pernah diadakan kahkah. *kasi chance gua angkat bakul jap*

    The next day after the AGM me and le siblings went out at night to chat and have a drink. Le siblings mentioned were my boyfriends. We are from the same major and minor. Malam tu, we talked like there is no end. Somehow we managed to share our feelings and talked about cliché stuffs. Kalau awak, awak dan awak takdak saya taktau macam mana nak survive semester ini.

    Apa yang kita share malam tu biarlah kita sahaja yg tahu. Saya sayang awak bertiga macam abang-abang kandung saya sendiri. Saya tak kuat tanpa awak semua. 

    May our friendship lasts forever. Anis - Aizad - Andy - Azam

    Macam biasa aku nak bagi gambar candid. Selalunya kalau tak Farid mesti Azam jadi mangsa. Hari ni giliran azam lagi...tadaaaaa~~~

    AJK Teknikal fav saya. Se major, se minor, sama SV dan segalanya dkt UPSI.

    Kenangan yang tak akan dilupakan. Simpan dalam hati sampai mati ;)